Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pasadena Art Festival

Kaleb is really good about looking at google news and staying up to date with everything going on. Me, not so much. But for a short period of time, I really wanted to keep up with the news. I would read the headlines on the main google page and I also added Pasadena news so that I would know what is going on near us. 

I was doing this for a couple days, and one article came up about an art festival in Pasadena. I was so so excited for it! I have always wanted to see chalk art on the sidewalks. You always see it in the movies, like in Mary Poppins. I dated it in my calendar and after that, I don't think I looked at Google news again.... mostly because there was always some crime to report and it always scared me.

The weather, of course, was awesome! Perfect day to walk around outside!! They had the show in Downtown Pasadena at the mall. Parking, luckily, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be so we didn't have to walk as far.

There were so many awesome drawings! People have incredible skills!!

The also had a collection of older cars, they are always fun to see.

There were so many Disney themed drawings, I was not disappointed at all!

This one is from Game of Thrones, it is a 3D pictures. Obviously not 3D in this version but when you looked at it in person it popped out at you!

There were so many artists around! All working super hard at their drawings!

Since it was so hot, we decided to cool off with a nice slushy treat! It was divine!

After looking at all the art, we tried out a poke sushi bar. You get to make your own salad with different types of sushi on it. Kaleb wasn't a big fan at first and said he would just share with me. Once he tried mine, he got back and line for his own. 

For a tasty treat, we got an macaroon ice cream sandwich!

Such a fun filled day! I love finding little adventures like this!
June 21, 2015

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