Monday, January 11, 2016

The Medieval Festival

Kaleb heard at work that there was a Medieval Festival that a few of his coworkers were going to. We looked it up and it looked super fun! 
It was a little more than an hour away from us. There were so many people there already!

It was way fun walking around and seeing all the costumes! 
A lot of the people talked in accents as well, most of them were pretty good at it.

They even had a Queen with all of her servants following her around.

We watched a magic show for a little while. They had some awesome tricks, walking around on stilts and disappearing tricks.

We really wanted to see the jousting but it didn't start for another half hour or so. We decided to walk around a watch another show while we were waiting. We came across a performer named Moonie. He was doing some annoying little tricks.

It was just about time for the jousting to start so we got up to leave. Right then Moonie came running after us and told us it was a bad time to leave. He then took Kaleb on stage.

I felt so bad for Kaleb, I was laughing for a little bit but the guy made Kaleb do some ridiculous things. Like get on his shoulders and help him onto the tight rope. Kaleb's shoulders were sore for a couple of days. 

The funny part was when he wanted Kaleb to throw knifes at him to Juggle!

Kaleb was extremely nervous and had to get closer.

We finally were able to get away and go see the last of the jousting. We only saw a couple of minutes of it and it was fun while it lasted.

After the jousting, we went and saw the Well Washing Wenches. They were absolutely hilarious! We laughed throughout the entire show!

They used this guy's arms as their "musical instrument".

Poor thing had slobber all up and down his arms afterwards. 

They had a couple other men come up as well and had a damsel in distress act. They were definitely my favorite act of the whole day!

There was also a bird show. He had a gorgeous owl, but I couldn't get a good picture of it. But the hawk was pretty awesome as well, he flew from post to post to get a treat.

Even though Moonie set the day off, it was still a fun adventure! 
We definitely will go when it comes around again!

April 19, 2015

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