Thursday, December 3, 2015

Birthday Boy

Since being married, I have learned that Kaleb is the hardest/easiest person to buy gifts for! The hardest because he never knows/tells me what he wants. The easiest because he usually ends up buying his own gifts.

This year I asked him in advanced what he wanted, every time I asked him he would reply with, "I don't know", or "I don't want anything". I was struggling to come up with anything at all. A few days before, he told me that he wanted an Xbox game, that it was on amazon and he was going to order it right then. Whelp, that made it easy, but took away from the surprise factor.

What Kaleb failed to realize, was that I had the only working mail key. I always check the mail right before going to work. The game came on Friday (his birthday was on the following Monday) so I took the game with me to work that night. On my break I called him, he asked me if I had gotten the mail. Apparently, he saw that the package had been delivered. He tried, and failed at using his mail key, and even asked the property manager to try hers out. It, too, did not work. I was laughing hysterically as he told me this story, I let him know that I did have the game but he had to wait until Monday to get it. 

He was so sad! And I was a horrible person for making him wait all weekend. That Saturday, I was to work all day, 10 hour shift. And Kaleb was going to be home, all by himself. So for his surprise factor, I let him have his game early. He was the happiest kid out there! 

We were going to go to Six Flags for his birthday, but we read reviews that it was extremely crowded since its only open on the weekends during the winter and you were hardly able to go on any rides. We decided that we would wait until the summer to go when it was open all week long. 

For his birthday dinner, he chose to go to sushi! Like I've said before, we love eating sushi!

He's looking pretty good, right?!

Even though his patience isn't very good, its fun to see that he still gets as excited as a child when it comes to holidays. Maybe one day I will be able to guess, before he does, what he wants for Christmas or his Birthday.
March 2, 2015

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