Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Beach!

I was reminded a few days ago that I haven't done a blog post for a while. What a better way to start back up with a Beach post!

Kaleb and I could live  at the beach! We love going there any chance that we get. 

Santa Monica is usually our go to place. It is the closest to us and we also have found free parking! We have to walk a few blocks but the exercise gets our bodies beach ready!

A downside of Santa Monica is you have to trek through so much sand to get to the water! Walking in sand is not an easy task. But it is well worth it once we get there.

This visit was in January so it was too cold for us to get in the water. Every time we go, I at least have to wade my feat just to touch the ocean. It feels like it takes all the stress away.

Usually we don't eat near the beach because the food gets really expensive. We decided to go up a few blocks to the promenade. It is a super fun area, the street is blocked off permanently so there is plenty of room to walk around and enjoy the little shops. 

There are also a lot of street performers! It was so much fun listening to the different musicians play. 

The guy below was doing a sword act, I stopped to take a picture. Big mistake! As soon as he saw me he threw one of the extra swords at me to try and get me to fight him. I guess I am not that adventurous and kept walking on. His costume was cool though.

It was a nice time to relax and enjoy the scenery for a little while. 

January 25, 2015

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