Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Last Bookstore and Sprinkles!

I am always searching on Pinterest to find things to do in the Los Angeles area. There is a bookstore that I always come across that is on the LA bucket list. Kaleb and I get in these "I am going to read lots of books" moods and so we decided to head to the bookstore.
It was located downtown, a place we are not very familiar with so we had to pull out our handy dandy google maps. It wasn't too bad but then of course we had to pay for parking. Always a bummer.
It definitely isn't like a Barnes And Noble, more of an older style. It definitely smelled like old books.... not a very great smell. We learned that it is mostly a bookstore that you sell your used books and people can buy them. There wasn't very much organization to the store so it was hard to look for a book. However, the art and the architecture was awesome!!
They did so many designs with the books and random knick knacks.

There was also an area where people would sell their art. It was beautiful artwork, and interesting to look at how other people see the world. I am not a professional at art looking, some people were looking at the art and have a huge story or theory about the picture, I just took a quick glance and walked on.
We didn't end up buying any books, but it was still something fun to do.
After the bookstore we decided to cross off another LA bucket list item.... Get a cupcake from the ATM cupcake machine!!! I have been wanting to do this for a long time and was super excited to do it!

It is such a cute machine! But.... it was out of order! I was super disappointed! We ended up just going in the store instead. But it turned out to be better because we got ice cream! YAY!! We got Captain Crunch ice cream with a double chocolate chip cookie, sprinkles, caramel and chocolate! It was so rich and delicious!

It was a fun day of firsts! I am still planning on going to the ATM cupcake machine another time when it is working! I don't know why I think it is so cool.....
Sept 28, 2014

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